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Get Social…

Social Media – that phrase gets thrown around a lot. What exactly is it? It can be a powerful part of your communications toolbox, if you know how and have the right resources. However, non-profits sometimes face additional hurdles to accessing and using such resources. To that end, Social Media For Nonprofits was formed – it’s a seven city conference series.

Now, you or your non-profit anti-violence agency might not have the resources to attend any of these conferences, but luckily, the folks at SM4N have begun posting presentation slides online via the social media sharing site Slideshare. There, folks can share slides via a Flash-based player that works in all the current, popular web browsers.

There are currently nineteen presentations for Social Media for Nonprofits on Slideshare, on topics ranging from Storytelling to using Twitter, to Event Promotion and Crisis Management; these presentations can be viewed at:

If you’d like some more guidance with social media, please feel free to contact the Violence Prevention Communications Coordinator at WCASA.

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