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Community Event Highlights: Rape Crisis Center 40th Anniversary Art Exhibit

Rape Crisis Center 40th Anniversary Art Exhibit
Surviving, Healing, Thriving: Celebrating Resilience

CelebratinThe Childg 40 years of Hope, Help, and Healing, the Rape Crisis Center (RCC) and local artists present an exhibit honoring the strength survivors demonstrate as they recover and thrive – and the community that supports that healing. If you haven’t already had time, RCC hopes you will make it out to Playhouse Gallery at the Overture Center for the Arts. The exhibit ends December 30th.

Kelly Anderson, RCC’s Director, says: “This is an empowering, celebratory new experience for RCC, a way to reach the community & increase awareness with a positive message.  Some of the art is from survivors; some is from artists who want to support RCC’s work. Some of the pieces are for sale and part of the proceeds helps to support RCC’s work, so it’s a great time for holiday gift buying!”

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